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complex trauma informed practice - course DETAIL

'Complex Trauma Informed Practice' is a two-day training designed for Therapists, Youth Workers, Behaviour Support Teachers, Youth Support Coordinators, Chaplains, and others who support difficult to engage young people. 
The training brings the best and most current complex trauma theory to life. Drawing from the Care, Mental Health and Education literature our seven year research program provides a new theory and a practice framework.


Knowing how the work can be chaotic we provide simple, reliable and proven concepts that are general enough to apply in any workplace.


We have tested our framework with groups in youth detention, on detox programs, in alternative education, and with individual young people with a range of complex mental health issues. It also works in mainstream education and services for young people with autism.


YFO's practice uses adventure yet the framework does not actually require adventure skills. We like adventure because it is a rich environment with many change opportunities. Support workers, teachers, police officers and therapists have all implemented our practice framework, in their settings, with success.


We think of our framework as a well designed walk in wardrobe; you bring your skills and talents and you will find that they hang together comfortably.

Being a new theory expect to have some assumptions challenged. The good news is that it makes sense and participants leave confident that they can easily make the changes needed to improve their individual practice. Program leaders may have some more work to do!

Our framework has been presented at conferences in Australia and internationally. The framework is current, evidenced through a Griffith University doctoral project, yet provides a simple, achievable and targeted method that suits an array of disciplinary practices

For bookings: 


Training content


Day 1 - Complex trauma theory.

New approaches to mental health

Neuro basis of harm and healing

Adverse childhood experiences

Phased treatment process

Ecological dynamics theory

Domains of experience (nature, activity, social, individual, time)

Four therapeutic benefits 


Day 2 - workshops to apply the theory to a variety of potential adventure activities. We work through each phase of treatment and how activities can help or hinder treatment at each phase. These are examples from our work so the theory and framework can be seen in action. Come prepared to get outside and have some fun! Day 2 concludes with a period of refection where participants plan and discuss their implementation of the framework.


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